the first-ever donald trump nft trading card collectors convention

Es­ti­mated reading time is 3 minutes.

I’M CALLING LOCAL VENUES to rent a hall so that I can put on the first-ever Donald Trump NFT Col­lec­tors Con­ven­tion. It doesn’t have to be a yuge hall be­cause, un­like with comic books or records, I don’t need room for deal­er’s ta­bles be­cause NFTs don’t take up any room be­cause they’re not re­ally real.

I’m leaning to­ward calling it the North­west Donald Trump NFT Trading Card Col­lec­tors & Friends of the Jan 6 Pa­triots Con­ven­tion but friends talked me into the shorter North­west Donald Trump NFT Trading Card Col­lec­tors Convention.

Ac­cording to the Coin Desk web­site (“Donald Trump NFT Col­lec­tion Sells Out, Price Surges”): “Former U.S. Pres­i­dent Donald Trump’s non-fungible token (NFT) dig­ital trading card col­lec­tion sold out early Friday, the day after its ini­tial release.

Ac­cording to data from OpenSea, at time of writing [De­cember 16, 2022, at 6:39 AM PST; up­dated at 8:22 AM PST], the collection’s trading volume is 900 ETH, or about $1,080,000. Its floor price is about 0.19 ETH, or about $230, more than double the orig­inal price of $99.”


Trump NFT: Trump as mighty western sheriff.
Trump has been keeping a low pro­file lately due to his ex­tra­or­di­nary diet and workout rou­tine. He’s looking so good here it’s not hard to see him as Raylan Givens’ partner in the new Jus­ti­fied series.

Trump NFT trading cards

The Coin Desk web­site continued:

“Former U.S. Pres­i­dent Donald Trump’s non-fungible token (NFT) dig­ital trading card col­lec­tion sold out early Friday, the day after its ini­tial re­lease. Ac­cording to data from OpenSea, at time of writing [De­cember 16, 2022, at 6:39 AM PST; up­dated at 8:22 AM PST], the collection’s trading volume is 900 ETH, or about $1,080,000. Its floor price is about 0.19 ETH, or about $230, more than double the orig­inal price of $99.

Some to­kens are selling for much higher prices. The one-of-ones, the rarest of the NFTs, which com­prise 2.4% of the 45,000 unit col­lec­tion (roughly 1,000), are selling for as much as 6 ETH at the time of writing. One of these rare trading cards, of the 45th pres­i­dent standing in front of the Statue of Lib­erty holding a torch, is cur­rently listed at 20 ETH, or about $24,000.”

Yeah—I don’t un­der­stand most of that but I don’t have to: I just have to get the col­lec­tors con­ven­tion up and run­ning and let the wheelers and dealers do their thing.


Trump NFT: Trump as mighty hunter of ducks.
At first glance, I thought this was an ironic com­ment on Trump’s leg­endary skill at ducking sub­poenas but then thought, “Nah!”

Collect all your favorite characters

Some of Trump’s biggest sup­porters quipped about the project. Stephen Col­bert noted that the cards “allow you to col­lect all your fa­vorite char­ac­ters from the ex­tended former pres­i­dent uni­verse be­cause every card is him. There’s—and these are all real—him playing golf, him ap­proving of gold, him wearing a hat that says Dow just like they do on Wall Street, and him stealing the torch from the Statue of Liberty.”

Jimmy Kimmel ob­served, “Trading cards! Not even real trading cards—digital trading cards. Which is an­other way of saying nothing. At least last time you got a red hat, now he’s selling you nothing. . . . This has to be the most pa­thetic an­nounce­ment of all time, and that in­cludes when they an­nounced Eric was born.”

Seth Meyers brought cur­rent events into his state­ment: “This proves once again that for anyone in­volved in the at­tempted coup on Jan­uary 6, things will not end well. In Trump’s case, he’s such a pariah he’s hawking scam dig­ital trading cards on a so­cial media site no one’s heard of.”


Trump NFT: image of Donald Trump holding a lamp with the Statue of Liberty in the background.

FEA­TURED IMAGE: The image at the top of this page is one of the hottest of the Trump NFT trading cards. In less than twenty-four hours since its re­lease to the public, it has sky­rock­eted from $99 to more than $20,000!

Fi­nally, if you need some back­ground on NFTs, click here. (Thanks, Emma Carey.)



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