that’s what I’ve been telling people for fifty years!

Es­ti­mated reading time is 1 minute.

NOAM CHOMSKY HAD AN IN­TER­VIEW sched­uled with Anand Girid­haradas for The.Ink web­site. While each in­ter­view promises the po­ten­tial of unique an­swers and even the pos­si­bility of new thoughts, de­pending on the in­ter­viewer, Chomsky pre­pared some notes to make cer­tain he men­tioned cer­tain points. So, Noam called me and said, “Neal, here is what I am preparing to say in my in­ter­view with Anand Girid­haradas: ‘The left po­si­tion is you rarely sup­port anyone. You vote against the worst. You keep the pres­sure and ac­tivism going.’ What do you think?”

And I said, “Noam, that’s what I have been telling anyone who will listen for fifty years.”

The in­ter­view was pub­lished on Au­gust 11, 2020, and ti­tled “Noam Chomsky wants you to vote for Joe Biden and then haunt his dreams” and ad­dresses “the pan­demic, the elec­tion, the word Bernie Sanders needs to stop using, the Harper’s letter, the 1619 Project, pa­tri­o­tism, and the greatest so­cial move­ment in U.S. history.”

To read the in­ter­view in its en­tirety, click HERE.


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