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the sexiest slow dancing in the dark album ever made?

IMAGINE A DARK­ENED ROOM. Per­haps it’s your apart­ment which, with the lights on, is unim­pres­sive. But it’s night­time and all the lights are out. In the dark­ness, it’s . . . dif­ferent. There is a single candle burning, giving off an il­lu­mi­na­tion that softens every­thing. Little can be seen but a lot can be felt. [Read more] “the sexiest slow dancing in the dark album ever made?”

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the first-ever donald trump nft trading card collectors convention

I’M CALLING LOCAL VENUES to rent a hall so that I can put on the first-ever Donald Trump NFT Col­lec­tors Con­ven­tion. It doesn’t have to be a yuge hall be­cause, un­like with comic books or records, I don’t need room for deal­er’s ta­bles be­cause NFTs don’t take up any room be­cause they’re not re­ally real. [Read more] “the first-ever donald trump nft trading card collectors convention”

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fantastic prescience of the 21st century in a ’50s men’s magazine?

SEARCHING FOR IM­AGES ON THE IN­TERNET for one project often leads to some very un­ex­pected dis­cov­eries. In this case, I was looking for some sharp photos of a couple of rather rare Elvis Presley records from the ’50s when I came across True Strange mag­a­zine. There I saw what looked like a hint of prescience. [Read more] “fantastic prescience of the 21st century in a ’50s men’s magazine?”

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that’s what I’ve been telling people for fifty years!

NOAM CHOMSKY HAD AN IN­TER­VIEW sched­uled with Anand Girid­haradas for The.Ink web­site. While each in­ter­view promises the po­ten­tial of unique an­swers and even the pos­si­bility of new thoughts, de­pending on the in­ter­viewer, Chomsky pre­pared some notes to make cer­tain he men­tioned cer­tain points. So, Noam called me and said, “Neal, here is what I am preparing to say in my in­ter­view with Anand Girid­haradas: ‘The left po­si­tion is you rarely sup­port anyone. [Read more] “that’s what I’ve been telling people for fifty years!”

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blaming God for the bad but not crediting Him for the good

IT’S QUORA QUES­TION TIME AGAIN. This time the ques­tion was about the Cre­ator: “Why do people tend to blame God for the bad but never give him credit for the good?” Even though my ex­pe­ri­ence with my fellow human be­ings who are be­lievers is the exact op­po­site of that, I couldn’t re­sist livening up Quora with an answer:

God drops by my house once a month to play Cinch with me and a couple of my neigh­bors from Penn­syl­vania. [Read more] “blaming God for the bad but not crediting Him for the good”

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the newsstand’s “house hippie” heads for woodstock

I WORKED ON THIS PIECE FOR A WEEK! I in­tended to pub­lish it on Au­gust 15, 2019, the first day of the 50th an­niver­sary of Wood­stock. But no matter what I wrote or how I wrote it, ei­ther I came out sounding far more con­ceited than I was in 1969 (ah, but I was so much older then) or the whole thing came out sounding like a sappy Hall­mark movie. [Read more] “the newsstand’s “house hippie” heads for woodstock”

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trump and forbes and the one that got away

I’M NOT FEELING WELL. It could be some late-Summer thing or an ad­vance taste of what the up­coming flu season has in store for us. But it’s a low-grade headache and fever, sore and swollen throat (that makes me squeak when I try to talk, so I don’t) (which some con­sider a blessing), and Grate Grom­mett in Heaven do my mus­cles ache! [Read more] “trump and forbes and the one that got away”

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two men standing in a field, then there was one (on being a left behind)

MANY PEOPLE with a pro­nounced right-leaning po­lit­ical per­sua­sion have had the ex­pe­ri­ence of meeting me and, perish forbid, en­gaging me in an­i­mated dis­course. Many come away thinking me a li­brull ar­se­hole. So, does that make me a left behind?

I found the lovely photo of the teddy bear in the woods at the top of this page on the Reigning Life site ac­com­pa­nying the ar­ticle “Who Gets Left Be­hind” by Jordan Hard­grave. [Read more] “two men standing in a field, then there was one (on being a left behind)”